Monday, February 25, 2008

Jury Duty!

OK it is just a "qualification questionnaire" that was waiting for me in the mailbox. I get very nervous dealing with the government -especially when they are asking me a series of simple yes-or-no questions. I feel like there's such a good chance that I'll get one wrong. I know what you are thinking. How could YOU miss one of these very simple questions?!? Well, multiple choice questions really bring me back to standardized testing and I became competitive thinking about the other potential jurors out there in Kings County (first time I realized that I live in Kings County - so fitting isn't it?). Anyway, since they only gave me 10 days to respond I decided to test the online questionnaire option. This made the series of questions more intense as the page could time out, there could be a browser error, etc. Then what? Would I have to call to make sure that they received it? Too much! Much too much! The whole process is rude and I don't like seeing 'federal court' and 'punishable by law' thrown around anything with my name and address attached. I am hoping that I answered their questions correctly so that I don't have to appear in court. Although a trip to court is worthy of a new hat...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

standardized testing is quite rude, couldn't agree more.